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Franklin & Lamar missions pack

What the hell happened last night? Nobody remembers nothing!

Missions list:
Hangover 001 - The awakening
Hangover 002 - Wade
Hangover 003 - Lazlow
Hangover 004 - Madrazo
Hangover 005 - Mr Tao
Hangover 006 - Ron
Hangover 007 - Tracy
Hangover 008 - Jimmy
Hangover 009 - Lamar
Hangover 010 - Back to LS
Hangover 011 - Amanda
Hangover 012 - Dave
Hangover 013 - Solomon
Hangover 014 - Peach
Hangover 015 - Tao traslator
Hangover 016 - Cletus
Hangover 017 - Lester
Hangover 018 - The van
Hangover 019 - The gutter
Hangover 020 - Meet the boss
Hangover 021 - Commissions
Hangover 022 - Steal the car of idiot
Hangover 023 - Bring back the car to the idiot
Hangover 024 - Destroy the car of idiot
Hangover 025 - The deal
Hangover 026 - One last thing
Hangover 100 - Lester revenge (F)
Hangover 100 - Lester revenge (M)
Hangover 100 - Lester revenge (T)

Play with Franklin, to give sense to story.

you need build-a-mission https://it.gta5-mods.com/scripts/build_a_mission
After you install build-a-mission extract the archive and copy it into the root folder of gta 5

Download the free version