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alebal3 -> alebal3 001 - Clay

Sorry, link problem, now correct...

GTA5NewMissions - 2024-04-28 04:56:26

alebal3 -> alebal3 001 - Clay

Hello author, may I ask why I am unable to download old tasks after purchasing Pack3? All old tasks cannot be downloaded, and the wrong website is displayed, only Pack4 can be downloaded. Can you please answer this question? thanks

BANDAI36 - 2024-03-13 16:27:01

alebal3 -> alebal3 001 - Clay

Hi, I didn\'t know where to ask, but I just bought the full version of pack 3 and it won\'t let me download, it shows a website not existing thing. I got the pack4, but i\'d like to play 3 first \"sice what now?\" and pack 2 are not working for me. help plz

Raul7dr - 2024-02-11 18:57:01

So now what? -> alebal 001 - So now what [T]

The mission won\'t start up when you pressed it on mission maker

- 2024-01-28 02:28:07

alebal4 -> alebal4 080 - Time mission

Mission 81 isnt listed here, Near the end of the mission the ladies go into the house near the Beach but since i dont have the house mod they fall out of the Sky and one of the ladies died from the fall Can you list all house mods from the missions?

alebal4 081 - Retro criminals ladies - 2023-12-31 08:17:56

alebal3 -> alebal3 001 - Clay

Unfortunately Mission Maker is abandoned... :(

- 2023-11-04 05:07:01

alebal3 -> alebal3 001 - Clay

Hello, I just bought the complete pack! your work is awesome =). Is the developer of “Mission Maker” still working on their software? Because it’s true that sometimes without checkpoints you have to complete everything “one shot”. In any case, thank you for your work, it must be a lot of hours of work to create all this!

Michas - 2023-10-06 17:03:48

alebal4 -> alebal4 002 - Round Face's return

No, there isn\'t, sorry... mission maker development is finished before adding this feature... you have to become a good pilot... :)

GTA5NewMIssions - 2023-04-18 18:07:37

alebal4 -> alebal4 002 - Round Face's return

Is there any way to edit the Objective file and then restart the mission at last checkpoint if failed? I am keep failing at the last aeroplane objective and have to redo the mission all over. Need an option to restart from last checkpoint please?

Zack Smith - 2023-04-15 16:51:42

alebal3 -> alebal3 013 - Jimmy fall in love

Can you explain your problem a little better?

GTA5NewMIssions - 2023-03-29 03:15:27